Наш основной Telegram-канал. The studio worked on this project during 1 year, 2 months and 20 days: from February 1, 2005 till April 20, 2006. К сожалению, на сегодняшний день по техническим причинам в mp3-формате можно скачать только 4 чтения, упакованные в большие архивы и загруженные на Яндекс.Диск. Чтение канонической Библии на украинском языке (читает И. Козлов):
Чтение канонической Библии на русском языке (читает И. Козлов):
Чтение канонической Библии на русском языке (читает А.Ф. Ефимов):
Чтение неканонической Библии на русском языке (читает И.Т. Липкин): This does not, however, complete the operation of the studio, which continues to work on recording projects. Other readings of the Bible, Christian audio-books, "The Way" evangelistic almanac are being worked on. All materials prepared in our studio are distributed without any restrictions and are freely available on the internet for download. The work of the studio is supported by voluntary contributions. Donations for the work of the studio can be accepted from residents any country. Please e-mail us for information on a more suitable way for you to transfer funds.
I believe we can say with confidence that this recorded reading will be one of the best among all audio-Bibles in such capacities as sound quality, diction, pronunciation, and artistic quality. Besides, up until now, there is no COMPLETE audio recording of the Ukrainian Bible. You can hear a sample of the reading and its quality Matthew chapter 28 - 8 935 kb. The original quality is 320 kbit/s. The translation being read is by Fr. Ivan Khomenko. To me, as an evangelical Baptist, it was difficult to give my preference to this translation, because the version widely popular among the Protestants is by Fr. Ivan Ohienko. The choice had to be made among four translations: Kulish and Nechuy-Levytskiy, Ivan Ohienko, Ivan Khomenko and Raphael Turkoniak. We had to reject the first two because of their archaic language - they are difficult for understanding, too literal in their rendering of the Hebrew text, which makes the Ukrainian sound unnatural at times, as well as other problems. We chose the Ivan Khomenko translation because it was made several decades ago. The translation by Raphael Turkoniak is not yet fully finished; besides, it is criticized because the Old Testament is translated not from Hebrew, but from the Septuagint. The audio recording will be available for distribution without limits. It was because of this reason that we had to part with our former sponsor - after half-a-year's cooperation he decided to limit the distribution of materials which we are preparing. Now all work is being carried out on the money given by volunteer donors, as well as for the money received from distribution of CD's and HDD's with MP3-files (you can view the entire catalog of materials in the "mp3" section of the site). The total volume of the materials which we now have for distribution in the original quality of the sound (form 24 to 320 kbit/s for different collections) is around 1500 Gb (1 Tb). The studio's rate for every hour of produced sound is $37,5. You can take part financially, according to your ability, in this work of God. |